The Times They Are A-Changin' cover by Dillon James

Listen to "The Times They Are A-Changin'" cover by Dillon James!

Okay, so I don't usually watch American Idol, but sometimes I'll just turn the tv on and watch a little bit here or there. Well, I happened to turn the tv on and Dillon James was singing "The Times They Are A-Changin' " by Bob Dylan AND HOLY COW THAT BOY CAN SING! I instantly fell in love with Dillon James, and I love his new album (One of his songs I put on my April Recommendations ). This version of the song is literally my favorite! I'm OBSESSED!

Lucky for us, Dillon James performed this song twice on American Idol, but the one I am linking is from the finale (Which, SPOILER ALERT, unfortunately, he didn't win) because I think his storytelling and confidence are INCREDIBLE in this version! 

If you like this song, or have any other song recommendations, please, comment them below! 


  1. WOW! I haven't been keeping up with American Idol, but I am so glad I heard this guy. He is so talented! Thanks for sharing, Rachel!
    Plus... he's pretty cute ;)

  2. I wanted to watch the seasons on FOX because two of my fav celebs are on there but I just can't seem to find any, I wish the divorce never happened. Oh wait I thought this was a cover 😂


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